Publikationen / Nach Themengebiet / General Nuclear Chemistry

Rösch F.
Maturation of a key resource – The Germanium-68/Gallium-68 generator: Development and new insights.
Current Radiopharmaceutical 5 (2012) 202-211

Rösch F, Piel M.
Radiochemie / tracer. In:Mohnike W, Hör G, Schelbert H (eds.),
PET/CT-Atlas: Interdisziplinäre onkologische, neurologische und kardiologische PET/CT-Diagnostik,
2. Auflage, Springer-Verlag, Berlin-Heidelberg, 2011, 35-72.

Novgorodov, AF, Rösch F, Korolev, NA.
Radiochemical separations by thermochromatography.
Handbook of Nuclear Chemistry, Vértes A, Nagy S, Klencsár Z, Lovas RG, Rösch F (eds.) Vol. 5, pp 2429-2458, Second edition, Springer, Berlin-Heidelberg, 2011

Rösch F, Baum RP.
Generator-based PET radiopharmaceuticals for molecular imaging of tumours: On the way to THERANOSTICS.
Dalton Transactions 40/23 (2011) 6104-6111

A. Vèrtes, S. Nagy, Z. Klencsàr, RG. Lovas, F. Rösch (eds.)
Handbook of Nuclear Chemistry
Second edition, 2011, 3324 p., 6 Volumes, Springer, 2011

F. Rösch (ed.)
Radiochemistry and Radiopharmaceutical Chemistry in Life Sciences
Vol. 4 of: Handbook of Nuclear Chemistry, Vértes A, Nagy S, Klencsár Z, Lovas RG, Rösch F (eds.)
Second edition, Springer, 2011

F. Rösch, F.F. Knapp
Radionuclide Generators
Handbook of Nuclear Chemistry, Vértes A, Nagy S, Klencsár Z, Lovas RG, Rösch F (eds.)
Vol. 4, pp 1935-1976, Second edition, Springer, 2011

NS. Loktionova, AN. Belozub, DV. Filosofov, KP. Zhernosekov, T. Wagner, A. Türler, F. Rösch
Improved column-based radiochemical processing of the generator produced 68Ga
Applied Radiation Isotopes (2011) ARI-D-10-00530 [Epub ahead of print]

F. Rösch, R.P. Baum
Generator-based PET radiopharmaceuticals for molecular imaging of tumours: On the way to THERANOSTICS
Dalton Transactions (2011). DT-ART-11-2010-001504.R1. [Epub ahead of print]

F. Rösch, P.J. Riss
The Renaissance of the 68Ge/68Ga radionuclide generator initiates new developments in 68Ga
radiopharmaceutical chemistry
Curr Top Med Chem. 10/16 (2010) 1633-68

M. Pruszyński, NS. Loktionova, DV. Filosofov, F. Rösch
Post-elution processing of 44Ti/44Sc generator-derived 44Sc for clinical application
Appl Radiat Isot. 68/9 (2010) 1636-1641

DV. Filosov, NS. Loktionova, F. Rösch
A 44Ti/44Sc radionuclide generator for potential application of 44Sc-based PET-radiopharmaceuticals
Radiochimica Acta 98/3 (2010) 149-156

F. Rösch
Impurity in 68Ga-peptide preparation using processed generator eluate
J Nucl Med 51 (2010) 496

M. Jahn, V. Radchenko, D. Filosofov, H. Hauser, M. Eisenhut, M. Jennewein, F. Rösch
Separation and purification of no carrier added arsenic from bulk amounts of germanium being adequate to radiopharmaceutical labeling chemistry
Radiochim Acta 98/12 (2010) 807-812

M. Asti, G. De Pietria, A. Fraternalia, E. Grassib, R. Sghedonib, F. Fioronib, F. Rösch, A. Versaria, D. Salvoa
Validation of 68Ge/68Ga generator processing by chemical purification for routine clinical application of 68Ga-DOTATOC
Nucl Med Biol 35 (2008) 721-724

F. Rösch
Radiochemistry and Radiopharmaceutical Chemistry for Medicine
In: Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems, Eolss Publishers Co Ltd, Oxford , UK, 2008

KP. Zhernosekov, DV. Filosofov, R.P. Baum, P. Aschoff, H. Bihl, AA. Razbash, M. Jahn, M. Jennewein, F. Rösch
Processing of generator-produced 68Ga for medical application
J Nucl Med. 48 (2007) 1741-1748

KP. Zhernosekov, DV. Filosofov, SM. Qaim, F. Rösch
A 140Nd/140Pr radionuclide generator based on physico-chemical transitions in 140Pr complexes after electron capture decay of
Radiochim Acta 95 (2007) 319-327

F. Rösch
Radiolanthanides in endoradiotherapy: an overview
Radiochim Acta 95 (2007) 303-311

T. Odenwald, K. Nakagawa, Ch. Hadstein, F. Rösch, P. Gohlke, F. Schaefer, E. Ritz, C.P. Schmitt
Acute blood pressure effects and chronic hypotensive action of calcimimetics in uremic rats
J Am Soc Nephrology 17(3) (2006) 655-62

AF. Novgorodov, NA. Korolev,  F. Rösch
A combined 148Gd / 244Cm source for energy calibration of a-spectrometers
Appl Radiat Isot 64 (2006) 540-542